
Friday, December 05, 2003

Sure, why not, Uncle Joe? People cannot be depended upon to look after their own health, so we really need more government intrusion into our lives about what we eat, drink, wear, say, think, and believe. The governments of the world have had remarkable success in history over managing people's lives, haven't they.

Joe, do you know why people came to America, and what America is all about?

What are you really trying to do, Uncle Joe? Make more cases for your lawyer buddies so they can milk other industries like they did the tobacco companies? Is liquor next? and SUV's? What is junk food anyway? I think your kosher food is junk. We should investigate that and maybe turn up money for lawyers and stuff.

Print This Main: "Warning: Jelly doughnuts may be hazardous to your child's health. That's what Democratic presidential candidate Joe Lieberman is telling America's parents as he seeks a federal investigation into the marketing practices of junk food companies."


Thursday, December 04, 2003

But did they fire the professor and expell the students? Of course not, because the only value higher education promotes is to do as you please.

Keep the Sex R-Rated, N.Y.U. Tells Film Students: "In October, a film student at New York University pitched an idea for her video-making class: a four-minute portrayal of the contrast between unbridled human lust and banal everyday behavior.
Her professor approved. The student, Paula Carmicino, found two actor friends willing to have sex on camera in front of the class. The other students expressed their support. But then the professor thought he should double-check with the administration, which immediately pulled the plug on the project."


I wouldn't put this story anywhere but in the bad figs basket. Hollywood stinks in more ways than one. Freedom is messy, you know, and one of its downsides is that people who live in the mud sometimes get rich by the mud and then they try to use the money to shove the mud around. O well.... considering the alternative....

The Seattle Times: Opinion: Hollywood loses control of the political script

What brought out the stars is a major menace: Losing access is serious business in Tinseltown, and have you seen many stars gracing White House events lately? The millions of dollars in "soft money" Ickes has been gathering from show-business types is proof of a rare degree of political angst in Hollywood — symbolized by the humiliation of having its high-cost biopic of the Reagans, which had been headed for primetime CBS, banished to cable after the "right wing" worked the e-mail.

Amid such painful social demotion, no wonder Hollywood liberals are taking the lead in poking holes in the campaign-finance "reforms" that Hollywood liberals usually champion. Ickes aims to raise a whopping $80 million with his Media Fund, and by all accounts he's off to a good start.


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